An RSS feed (or news feed) is a means by which you can stay informed about what's going on at Sweet Adelines Region 2 without having to regularly visit the website.
To make use of an RSS feed, you need some "feed reader" (or "aggregator") software. Most modern web browsers have feed readers built in.
The RSS feeds for Sweet Adelines Region 2 are listed below...
Receives communications from the SAI organization and disperses to the region.
Maintains internal communication channels among the region, chapters and individual members
Develops and maintains the regional leadership database
Is responsible for regional website and database design, implementation, and maintenance, with input from the Marketing Coordinator
Maintains a complete record of regional meetings and activities
Is responsible for recording and preparing minutes of all meetings of the Regional Management Team
Distributes copies to members of the team, regional chapters and the Corporate Secretary at SAI headquarters
In consultation with the RMT, prepares and submits year-end State of the Region Report to the Corporate Secretary at SAI headquarters by establish deadline
Maintains contact with appropriate staff members at SAI headquarters
Maintains comprehensive records and forward materials to successor
Appoints staff to assist in the implementation of responsibilities
Trains her successor
Represents the interests of the regional directors on the Regional Management Team
Communicates with directors in the region to assess their needs
Provides and facilitates a forum for directors at regional events
Communicates directors’ needs and the needs of their chapters to the Education Coordinator
Maintains contact with appropriate staff members at SAI headquarters
Maintains comprehensive records and forwards materials to successor
Trains her successor
Appoints staff to assist in the implementation of her responsibilities
Develops, coordinates and monitors regional educational programs in conjunction with the coordinators
Plans curriculum for educational events such as seminars and workshops
Works in coordination with Events and Marketing Coordinators on marketing events
Coordinates regional faculty visits to choruses
Maintains five-year education plan document
Implements the chapter revitalization plan for maintaining the integrity of the musical product and administrative process as outlined in the RMT handbook
Approves chapters and prospective chapters for public performance
Auditions chapter-at-large quartets for public performance
Develops faculty or staff to assist in implementing regional education programs
Appoints an Arrangers Coordinator who administers the program that offers training for aspiring arrangers within the region
Appoints a YWIH Coordinator who administers the program within the region. This position could be shifted to the responsibility of the Directors Coordinator depending on what would provide the most effective program development and oversight for the region
Maintains contact with appropriate staff members at SAI headquarters
Maintains comprehensive records and forwards materials to her successor
Trains her successor
Appoints staff to assist with the implementation of responsibilities as needed
Facilitates the securing of appropriate venues for regional programs and events, including site inspections and negotiation of contracts.
Coordinates on-site arrangements for all regional meetings and events, including regional competitions.
Oversees the work of the Chair of the Regional Convention (CRC) as defined in the Guidelines for Regional Convention.
Works in coordination with the Marketing and Education Coordinators on marketing and educational events.
Oversees registration for all regional events.
Maintains contact with appropriate staff members at international headquarters.
Maintains comprehensive records and forwards materials to successor.
Appoints staff to assist in the implementation of her responsibilities.
Ensures that all financial resources of the region are accounted for in an effective and efficient manner
Coordinates the financial long-range plan in conjunction with other team coordinators
Prepares and submits the annual budget for the region
Manages bank accounts and investments
Keeps accurate and current records of all financial transactions
Receives all funds paid to the region and issues all payment
Negotiates contracts for services and equipment required by the region
Holds sole authority to sign contracts on behalf of the region
Coordinates projects to raise non-dues incomes (ways and means)
Presents a report on the region’s financial condition at meetings of the Regional Management Team
Prepares an annual financial statement for submission to SAI headquarters
Submits accounting records for audit at the close of the fiscal year to a qualified person (or persons) selected by the management team or for examination or audit at any time as directed by the management team
Files Annual 990 tax form (United States regions) with the Internal Revenue Service by September 15 for the preceding year ending April 30 or files any tax forms required by their respective countries on the date appropriate for their local governance and submits evidence of such to SAI headquarters
Provides advice and training to chapter treasurers and serves as a resource to chapters with financial questions
Provides financial information necessary to complete applications for corporate gifts/grants
Maintains contact with appropriate staff members at SAI headquarters
Maintains comprehensive records and forwards materials to successor
Trains her successor
Appoints staff to assist in the implementation of her responsibilities
Develops and provides marketing and public relations programs that promote chapter and regional events, and membership growth and retention
Plans and implements marketing and public relations programs to increase membership growth and retention
Designs and implements plans to market events and products
Works in coordination with the Membership Coordinator on membership growth and retention plans
Works in coordination with the Events and Education Coordinators on marketing events
Maintain the region’s social media presence—Facebook, Twitter, etc., to keep your members informed and to attract new members
Works in coordination with the Communications Coordinator on website and database design, implementation, and maintenance
Maintains database of media contracts
Writes and distributes press releases and produces media kits
Invites media to regional events and serves as onsite media contact
Initiates media opportunities including on-air interviews and feature stories
Maintains database of advertising contacts
Designs, negotiate and buys advertising in local media
Sell advertisements in regional publications
Collaborates with other members of the team to encourage and support membership growth and retention
Maintains contact with appropriate staff members as SAI headquarters
Maintains comprehensive records and forwards materials to successor
Trains her successor
Appoints staff to assist in the implementation of her responsibilities
Provides advice and training to chapter Marketing/PR Chairs and serves as a resource to chapte3rs with marketing questions
Represents the interests of chapter management and membership on the Regional Management Team
Communicates president/team leader and chapter needs and issues to the Regional Management Team
Provides and facilitates a forum for presidents/team coordinators at regional events
Instills in the members of her region an awareness of their relationship to the organization, to the region, and to the choruses
Develops a plan, in conjunction with the Education Coordinator, to teach chapters in revitalization ways to attract new members and retain existing ones. Assists these chapters with growth and retention programs
Plans and implements programs in the areas of membership growth and retention
Works in coordination with Marketing Coordinator on membership growth and retention plans
Visits and maintains regular contact with chartered and prospective chapters to promote membership growth and retention programs
Provides advice and assistance to chapter membership Chairs and serves as a resource to chapters with membership questions
Guides prospective chapters through the Steps to Chartering program
Develops support staff to assist in planning and implementing programs such as
Steps To Chartering
Membership recruitment
Member retention
Chapters in revitalization
Appoints a Chapter-at-0Large Coordinator to ensure CAL members awareness of and inclusion in regional events, programs and publications, as well as any administrative or financial matters that affect them
Maintains contact with appropriate staff at SAI headquarters
Maintains comprehensive records and forwards materials to success
Trains her successor and appoints staff to assist with implementation of responsibilities
Facilitates the meetings of the Regional Management Team.
Coordinates the agenda for Regional Management Team meetings with input from other team members.
Reviews and approves all chapter standing rules.
Reviews regional standing rules and job descriptions and makes recommendations for necessary revisions.
Maintains the region’s long-range plan document.
Maintains the regional calendar.
Develops a support staff to assist in the implementation of her responsibilities such as chapter standing rules review and regional calendar.
Maintains contact with appropriate staff at international headquarters.
Maintains comprehensive records and forwards materials to successor.